Princethorpe College Campus

Princethorpe College

Involve has been a game-changer for acclaimed independent school’s music department

Case Studies

Princethorpe College

Gill Cowlishaw, Director of Music

Case Study

We spoke to Gill Cowlishaw, Director of Music to find out more.
When did you start using Involve Education?

"We came across the website at the end of 2022 and thought it looked great. Amanda gave us a demo and then we were set up and running by April 2023."

What is something you couldn't do before, but thanks to Involve Education you can do now?

"Track attendance in music lessons and minimise ‘lost child’ alerts! Several times, when a child has been missing from class. Involve allows attendance staff to see straight away if pupils are in a music lesson and either cancel the alert, or escalate it immediately."

What's your favourite feature and why?

"The daily email to staff letting them know who will be missing from their classrooms and when."

What effect has Involve had on your music department staff?

"My time on lesson admin has diminished considerably"

How have you found working with the team at Involve?

"My initial meeting with the team was really positive, and the rare occasions when I have had technical queries have resulted in a rapid and positive response."

Princethorpe College

Fact File

Founded 1996 County Warwickshire Pupils 900

Gender Co-ed Age 11-18 Type Private day school

ISI Passed (2018)

Alumni Baroness D’Souza, Ian Bell



Average number of music lessons taking place through Involve per week during term time at Princethorpe


Music department staff members using Involve at Princethorpe

3275 hrs

Admin time saved per year on average by schools when they switch to using Involve

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