"Our department head, Simon, had a demo with Amanda and then we began using the service in June 2023."
" I really like being able to see everyone's week and knowing everything is planned and organised! We have it on a few screens in our department. Very useful when we have 20+ peris and 200+ students coming for a music lesson during school time. And having a definite list of who does lessons, and when the peris are in and when they are not helps with communication and planning.
The feedback from our staff has been positive. Overall we’re very happy! "
"Very lovely, always happy to answer any questions (I had lots at the start!) and they take on board any changes we put forward."
"It is very tricky for a few of our peris to use because they are computer illiterate. However, I have taken over completely and do their timetable for them, and it is simple and easy for me to do that and communicate times to the kids so no real problems there! The whole thing certainly has meant we have more control and know what is going on in our department! It’s made my job easier for sure!"