
UK School terms of use

Practice Pal is a music education hub through which teachers and students of music have digital access through desktop and mobile software applications respectively to a platform that delivers education services intended to facilitate music teaching and learning.

The desktop software application available to music teachers retained by the School delivers the platform enables such teachers to deliver online music teaching to students.

The School wishes to use the application and the platform and to make it available to its teachers for music teaching purposes

Practice Pal has agreed to provide, and the School has agreed to take and pay for the right to download the application and use the Platform, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Schedule 1: Acceptable Use Policy

  1. Neither the School nor any Authorised User shall access, store, distribute or transmit any Viruses, or any material during the course of its use of the Application that:
    1. is unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive;
    2. facilitates illegal activity;
    3. depicts sexually explicit images;
    4. promotes unlawful violence;
    5. is discriminatory based on race, gender, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability; or
    6. in a manner that is otherwise illegal or amounts to cyber-bullying or causes damage or injury to any person or property.

Schedule 2: Creation and Operation of accounts

The School creates an Account with Practice Pal having demonstrated to Practice Pal that it has in place adequate and properly enforced Student safeguarding and data privacy policies. The Account is accessible from a browser-based dashboard and may be accessed by any number of Administrators chosen by the School, each Administrator having individual links to the Platform for supervisory, safeguarding and regulatory purposes through each of every Administrator’s personal Account.

The creation of the School’s Account further enables Teachers to set up their own personal Accounts to enable them to deliver online music lessons to relevant Students. The foregoing Accounts may then create links with such Students generally with their parents or guardians wishing to receive music lessons from any Teacher/s (these links may be to the parents or guardians of the Students) and the contact details of the Students/parents/guardians who respond positively are forwarded (with valid legal justification under the Data Protection Legislation as the School’s responsibility) to Practice Pal.

The links are generated in an automatically sent email when the name and email address of the parent or guardian is entered into the dashboard of the Teacher before the parent or guardian is invited to enter into the Student Terms. Once the parent or guardian received the email with the link, they can then choose to create a Student Account. Practice Pal thereafter sets up the Account with respect to each such Student which is activated on the conclusion of Student Terms with each of them. Each Student is then enabled through his own mobile application provided by Practice Pal to connect to the Account of the relevant Teacher and receive music lessons on the Platform at scheduled times.

Schedule 3: Processing, personal data and data subjects

  1. Processing by Practice Pal: viewing, storing video and audio files and information related to the foregoing, all showing Students and Teachers. Processing personal data of other individuals including Administrators and other School personnel involved in the setting up of the School’s Account. Sending links to Teacher Content video/audio files and evaluations and progress reports on Students to parents and guardians of such Students.
  2. Purpose of processing: effective provision of music education to Students by Teachers.
  3. Duration of the processing: 2 years following the date of any recording available on the Platform or indefinite where justified for safeguarding purposes
  4. Types of personal data: names, ages, contact details, audio/video images and music education performance criteria of Students; names, contact details and audio/video images of Teachers. Names and contact details of Administrators.
  5. Categories of data subject: Students, Teachers and Administrators.