Private teacher account terms of use


Thank you for signing up with Practice Pal. We are excited to have you on board and for you to use our Platform to provide music lessons to your students.

Practice Pal is a musical ecosystem of software which connects all those involved in music education – students, parents, teachers, schools and organisations. The teacher’s software, available to freelance music teachers such as yourself as a web app and a desktop app, delivers the platform that helps you organise and manage your students’ music lessons as well as enabling you to teach them online. From time-to-time Practice Pal may add further functionalities.

You have opened an account with Practice Pal for this purpose. When you obtain access to the platform your contractual agreement with Practice Pal is completed and you will be legally bound by the terms of use below which are incorporated in the agreement you have made with us.


Schedule 1: Acceptable Use Policy

The Teacher shall not access, store, distribute or transmit any Viruses, or any material during the course of his use of the Application that:

  1. is unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive;
  2. facilitates illegal activity;
  3. depicts sexually explicit images;
  4. promotes unlawful violence;
  5. is discriminatory based on race, gender, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, disability;
  6. is not in accordance with the Teacher’s own safeguarding obligations; or
  7. in a manner that is otherwise illegal or amounts to cyber-bullying or causes damage or injury to any person or property.

Schedule 2: Creation and Operation of Accounts

In creating an Account with Practice Pal the Teacher undertakes and warrants to Practice Pal that they have in place appropriate Student safeguarding policies and procedures. The Account is accessible from a browser-based dashboard and desktop application. The creation of the Teacher’s Account enables the Teacher to deliver online music lessons to relevant Students and make use of the administrative tools. The Account may then create links with such Students wishing to receive music lessons from the Teacher (these links may be to the parents or guardians of the Students). The links are generated in an automatically sent email when the name and email address of the parent or guardian is entered into the dashboard of the Teacher before the parent or guardian is invited to enter into the Student Terms. Once the parent or guardian has received the email with the link, they can then choose to create a Student Account. Practice Pal thereafter sets up the Account with respect to each such Student which is activated on the conclusion of Student Terms with each of them. Each Student is then enabled through his own mobile application provided by Practice Pal to connect to the Account of the Teacher and receive music lessons on the Platform at scheduled times.

Schedule 3: Processing, Personal Data and Data Subjects

  1. Processing by Teacher: viewing, storing video and audio files stored on Practice Pal’s servers and information related to the foregoing, all showing Students and the Teacher themself.
  2. Purpose of processing: effective provision of music lessons to Students by the Teacher.
  3. Duration of the processing: 1 year in the case of video recordings or until the Student reaches the age of 25 in the instance of audio files (or otherwise in accordance with safeguarding practices and procedures prevailing at the time) following the date of any recording being available on the Platform.
  4. Types of personal data: names, ages, contact details, audio/video images and music education performance criteria of Students; names, contact details and audio/video images of the Teacher.
  5. Categories of data subject: Students and the Teachers.